Saturday, September 25, 2010

compiler optimization switch

There are two C# compiler switches that impact code optimization: /optimize and /debug.

On disabing optimize switch (/optimize-), the unoptimized IL code produced by the compiler contains many no-operation (NOP) instructions and also branches that jump to the next line of code. On debugging in IDE, the extra instructions make code easier to debug by allowing breakpoints to be set on control flow instructions. On enabling the switch (/optimize+), compiler will remove these NOP and branch instructions

On enabling debug switch (+/full/pdbonly), the compiler produces a Program Database (PDB) file which helps the debugger find local variables and map the IL instructions to source code. /debug:full switch tells the JIT compiler that you intend to debug the assembly, and the JIT compiler will track what native code came from each IL instruction. This allows you to use the just-in-time debugger feature of Visual Studio to connect a debugger to an already-running process and debug the code easily.

By default, Debug version has /optimize- and /debug:full switches. But Release configuration has /optimize+ and /debug:pdbonly switches specified.

Recently, one of my collegue KarthickAlagar generated the big impact in prod launch. Hats off for his Release mode analysis!

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